
As I mentioned in another post, there is a difference between negative to “fair” and positive to “fair”. This isn’t “a woman is being negatively attacked for being a woman”. This isn’t even “a woman isn’t provided the same opportunity” (that is a fair discussion, just not this one). Imagine having a police officer

I won’t pretend like I didn’t hesitate to write that because of that parallel, but there are some stark differences, namely we aren’t talking about the negative and making it “fair” playing field, we are talking the positive and making it a “fair” playing field. This isn’t a situation where we are talking “ignoring a

God I hate saying this as the typical token black guy, but shouldn’t you do that with ‘everybody’? Doing it exclusively for or primarily for women, just comes off insincere...at least as I’ve watched it. Equal is equal, fair is fair, praise is praise. If John has a good idea, I tell him that it was a good idea. If

eh...this is...weird...or the application of it is weird. Where I work (SUPER diversified racially, but not M/W), the women get tons of credit, but it feels almost like babying than sincere recognition. After a while it comes off as though the acts are an accomplishment BECAUSE they are women. I KNOW the intent isn’t

More RAM is ‘almost’ always better. A current system with less than 8GB is choking on itself. My question *then* was centered around where to put the money, what’s REALLY my bottleneck for system performance - I don’t play video games on that computer, so most benchmarks that I would find, simply don’t apply, unless

Mario Kart can kick rocks.

I don’t work my main job from home, but my second job/hustle is 100% at home. The most beneficial purchase I made was really a series of purchases towards a goal, I built a custom table, a standing desk, and essentially moved my office into the main room of the basement. I do music, but I’m mostly sitting down when

I do two things, one I got from LH, I have an alarm set @ 4PM to signal the last hour of the workday. It lets me know to start winding down and to prepare for the next day. I focus on important task that aren’t done yet, etc.

Any Bleach movie that doesn’t have Aizen stopping Ichigo’s theme music with one finger...will be a fail.

Hell no. I’m NOT a helicopter parent and in general am ‘overlax’, but I can only see this working on significantly OLDER kids. My son is 6, we are still working on the idea of accountability, and missing out on something always has the same result, he gets upset that he missed out, and moves on in a few minutes, doom

You can say that with all of three methods though.

Well my question was answered on the back-end, but it also undermines the value of the study *to me*, in that - the bigger you are, the quicker weight comes off (and more consistent)...so at the 35+ range, how do the difference in diets compare?

I’ve said it before, doing my own spreadsheet. Not a pre-built template, but going through the effort myself of putting together my own spreadsheet that detailed all my income, all my cost, and my savings, on weekly schedule (frequency of payment). I got as detailed as possible, down to the interest accumulated each

I just want them to go back to a more traditional shape, this whole “remote control” ratio is for the birds.

I’d actually think there is one other benefit to this, mushrooms, like onions, have a lot of water in them, so not only will this reduce fat, but it will help to keep things ‘juicy’.

Yeah, the whole movie I just kept thinking ‘Greek’ to myself and while I know some folks will short circuit his behavior and attitude toward something else, he just felt like a Que to me..not just the barking, but that sealed it.

My “fair” complaints really center around business practices & parallel - cost. I try to be fair when it comes to “why”, I understand why the iPod is dead, despite my urge for a new one instead of an iTouch or iPhone. I can even understand the push for say the switch from 30-pin to lightning cables...with that said,

This has ALWAYS been my weak spot and I even paid for it once with a fried computer. This needs more ‘favoriting’ or ‘likes’

Dual screens are often something you don’t get until you’ve had it. I quickly went to 3 screens because of the type of computer work I do, once I had a dual screen setup. Ironically I’ve since dropeped to one screen, but its 60+”, and I’ve reduced the functions expected of my computer to 3 things, so I don’t need the

#1 - SSD for at least your main harddrive