
I whole heartedly agree about comparing it to Lotto - I said as much, though I don’t consider 100k life changing. Maybe we differ in terms of what’s considered life changing - I’m not negating how helpful it would be or what can be done with it, but if you got $100k, would you retire? You can put it to GREAT use

For us, our priorities are a little different from each other, but the ideas line-up - we both are thinking long term. My first grip of money goes towards health - I’d have no qualms with a chef and a personal trainer before anything else. Then comes debt and savings, then we cleave out a portion to actually enjoy.

We are past that point, but we did something similar and I whole heartedly aprrove of this, in fact, I’d encourage a semi-regular discussion about it because frankly focuses, ideals, and priorities - change over time. For us it was always about the Lotto - “What would you do if we won”, the issue with that approach

No, I don’t have a dog, yes I have a 1 year old, and yes I clicked here to see if I could use it for her...babies are just hairless puppies anyway...

Re-enforces portion control as well.

It’s two fold, they need to become true end-game content, and the mechanism for defending them needs to improve. Half the time I don’t even bother, I get a pitance pay for sitting somewhere to bring down a gym, and offense is so much stronger than defense that I can’t even expect gyms to stay up. The best I can do is

I was planing on doing this, but 1 km or his candy doesn’t seem worth it, when I have like 5 evolutions that need less than ten candies.

I forgot what model TV I have in the basement, it is a 3D samsung around 60"s and it does a terrific job, part of my frustration with 4k actually is that in ‘my area’, I’m happy with what I have, I don’t want to lose 3D as the industry shifts to 4k (and I love 3D, even in school back in 2000-2005 I did work on 3D

There were 3D offerings of DP at the movies. But not on Blu-Ray (still plan on importing Big Hero 6 for 3D).

Hahaha, you act as though there are real non-4K options these days! It’s all 4k this and that when I stroll into BB, finding a 1080P set in store is like finding the single ‘Tape Deck” player in the car-fi section.

It wasn’t even rubbery when I did it, they ballooned and took on this real...ok dry rubber might be more accurate than I originally realized...

Ugh I baked them once. Once...

I always feel weird when talking about working remotely - my IT friends act as though its a God send, yet to me - I ‘almost’ despise it. I can’t focus at ALL, my productivity is SUPER low, etc, etc, etc. My success has been minimal, the guilt I felt from not working enough made me feel worse than I could counter by

But at that point, you really are fine with your phone, if you are branching out of the phone by even one step, then something isn’t good enough on the phone - usually lighting, color, or optical zoom (or maybe you want an audio jack and there is a better chance of the camera will have it ZING) - 5 years ago - sure,

dot dot dot, level matters. Are we talking DLSR? Point & Click? Cheap? It actually does matter. The phone market has really killed the low end market, so most of the time people are thinking high-end point and clicks and DLSRs, but that low price and mid-price range does have things to concern yourself over...even

I actually go back and fourth, sometimes I use butter, sometimes I use oil, sometimes I use a mixture of both, it depends on the type of perogie - if its stuffed with anything more than cheese, it has enough flavor usually, but if its just potato and cheese (can’t forget chives sometimes) - then it gets the butter. I

Its a shame. I went from Apple to Samsung and as my Note4 starts to take the long walk into the sunset, I’ve started to ponder my next phone, go back to Apple or stick with Note series...then the Notes start blowing up...and the iPhone camera catches a strong buff, then the iWatch gets PokeGo, and it looks like I

I would just like to add perogies to the list. I cook them, then pan fry them with light oil, salt, and pepper - to give them a real crisp crust while maintaining the softer inside.

You’re right, its really been a function of whatever the original inspiration. Bouncing between several genres has made mixing difficult in general. But you are right, I should try harder to get higher quality versions of what I’m referencing.

You’re right, its really been a function of whatever the original inspiration. Bouncing between several genres has

I’ve got a love/hate relationship wth the AV40s. I retired from gaming a couple years ago (well PC gaming) and my rig became 95% music production. I wanted some drivers that didn’t break the bank, ordered a set on sale for like $80 I think, painted them to match my “Red Room” motif and went to work. I can’t tell if I

I’ve got a love/hate relationship wth the AV40s. I retired from gaming a couple years ago (well PC gaming) and my