
Not quite lemons, but damn close, I’ve been using Limes at work to add a little vitamin A to my water/diet while increasing my water consumption. I’m at my desk when I do this and want no mess. I rolled at first as its what I know from mixing drinks, but it has a REAL nasty habit of squirting everywhere when I slice

I’d just like to add, careful with dried fruit, some times they add a bunch of sugar, erasing the benefits.

Bah post was too long. I agree with one ‘caveat’. If you want more than you can afford and are looking at your incomes projected growth, get property with room to grow. My house is a two story with originally an unfinished basement, and an unfinished attic, the basement was finished before we bought it, but the attic

It’s funny, and theoretically sad. Any time I’ve been in a dangerous mindset - the Spendthrift one, I’m usually ‘out’, I see someone morbidly obese (I am, but like WAY bigger than me), and the phrase “I don’t want that to be me” kicks in, and I turn around. It doesn’t ‘change’ my mindset so much as it stops ‘damage’

Well I can’t give ‘real’ advice, just keep trying. MY inefficieny makes it more of a work out hahaha

My wife was captain of her swim team when we were in high school, I was pretty much like you, but was sort of ‘forced’ to learn to swim. I’m...OK at it. I’m not saving anyone, and can only do a few different types of strokes, but it was enough for me to to get work outs in.

We don’t have one. We’ve got a gentlemen’s agreement (term feels weird to say haha) on how we would handle such an event. I’ve thought about it, but don’t see the need. She isn’t the latch on type nor the materialistic type. She’d give me the house (she couldn’t afford it, and owns property back in MD), she’d keep her

I didn’t read it in this article. I used to be all up solar, but when it came to more financially beneficial it seemed that your return used to be better doing solar heating - so I stopped caring. Has that changed? *Asking I sincerely don’t know*

Most of my comments I have read some one else say, but there is one thing that kind of digs at me. It could be the strong sense of ‘absolute’, but the never do non-memorable things *in general* completely ignores stress relieving. My wife likes to eat out because it feels good, is it a waste of money - to me yes, but

Yeah its a separate topic, but does sort of wrap itself up in the fees/finding a card. That article made me re-evaluate what I was doing with credit in general, and while we haven’t gotten a new card like we’ve talked about, we dug into what our card gave us a bit more. Putting the two together, the only thing missing

So for Graze is that 8 ‘single servings a month?

This should be posted in conjunction with the LH article about CC points (that was a great one for me personally). The link sort of plays up that there are fees, but ignores the bonuses associated with some of them, making it only half the story if you are searching for a card.

We use Nature Box. I don’t know if its different with the other services, but you can ‘change’ the frequency of getting boxes to suit your needs. Typically each month we go through our ‘pantry’ as its called to figure out which ones we want, pick our five and go with that. We’ve been with them since I think December

The most important thing IMO is an ‘escape’ plan. Know what it will take for you to move out and and the structure needed to get there. The other factors ARE important, but even the most totalitarian environment can be more suitable when the duration is understood. I moved in with my folks after college. It was HELL.

Without getting too deep into my specific situation, I somewhat agree, unfortunately our situation, the profit margin didn’t justify it. Now, if we did things ‘my way’ (granted we wouldn’t have the nice house we are in now, but...) we would have bought up several other townhouses in the same area as ours, like right

Yeah, I expect that year to be some headaches, depending on time frame, maybe even two years, but it will be DONE! Hahahaha

Really the two biggest things to look at IMO are finances and effort. Financially, can you support two mortgages for maybe up to a year while trying to get a tenant? What’s the long term goal, to sell it anyways or to keep it as a rental indefinitely? Can you rent it out at a price that will ‘pay for itself, pay for

That happened to me when I started trying to get back into shape, I woke up like 3 or 4 am to go for a jog, and it hurt so much the first couple of times that I had to scale back to walking with sprints up hill.

Yeah, I guess my thing is I’m a heavy set guy, so running is VERY high impact, its one thing when you’re already lean, but if you are trying to get lean, its better (IMO) to walk/power-walk, bike (missed that one!) and swim. Sprints are great, especially when mixed in with light jogging and walking/push-ups, but I’m

Or if you want the cardio without the high impact...SWIM!