
Go to a public place, lay down on the ground, make silly noises doing stupid stuff. Did the world end? No? Your balls won’t fall off if you let them hang a bit, get your jollies off in high school and college, you are more the man there than you’ll know. The woman you’re meant to be with will come to you, don’t worry

Can’t you do this with an onion also and get that fresh cooked onion smell?

Depends how things are contracted out, it doesn’t change the year end bottom line, if they take the 20 out before or after, you’ll either already have it or get reimbursed later. I look at it from the music side of things where essentially you get the money then have to pay everyone, even the label, but taxes

I forgot to write it heh. My FIL who I mentioned gets his car cleaned all the time, though we have a detail place near us who for a flat fee (I think 50 a month) will clean your car as many times as you want, which is PERFECT for his situation.

My father in law who lost his job started doing uber a couple months ago. I’ve been torn on the whole thing for reasons listed above - I figured - get paid $100, taxes instantly pull $40 off, then Uber takes their cut (according to this $20), leaving me with $40 from the work. Then gas has to come out of that, as well

Ramen Noodle from the package with whatever I can find thrown in. It’s really that simple. We keep garlic and onion in our house, we keep tons of different sauces and the such, we ‘often’ have fresh veggies, namely broccoli, carrots, celery, we always have a surplus of eggs. Somehow all of them find their way into my

So I tried this last night... o-m-g...best I’ve ever done. I did it to sausage (the big short ones), I did it to bacon/cheddar sausage, and then to compare I had to ballparks that I just slit down the middle on 4 sides.

Naw, just a big house.

Yuck, with discounts and the such, my baby (3 months) is about $1100 and my boy (just turned 4) is around $800. It’s the best price we can find (well close enough). Our mortage on our house is floating around 2k *shrug*.

I wouldn’t call it “Plan Z”, merel “Plan D”. Labeling it ‘Z’ as a Last resort implies there are a bunch of other plans. I think the good money is on having a Plan A, a Plan B (corrective action for Plan A), and a Plan C (abort Plan A). In almost a flow chart fashion, if you arrive at Plan C, you should re-calibrate

I’m caught between several different worlds with raising my kids. My boy just turned 4 and is turning more and more into a behavioral nightmare. The IEP meeting I just came from is pointing to possible high functioning autism, but I point to poor parenting (yeah at me). I was raised sternly, not a fist to the jaw, but

We do this, had the same vacuum for a good 5+ years now because of it. I don’t know if fully necessary or not, but every time I have to repair the belt, I take it as an opportunity to clean the vacuum, I’ll take a screwdriver to clear out any dirt/clogs behind and around the ‘roller’, then take a knife and cut all the

Yep, smoker is next up for me hehe, for financial reasons it will most likely be next spring though when I get one. My question though, is it better to spend more up front to get good one (not even sure what quantifies a good one yet tbh) or get an average one and mod it?

Back in 2000 I left home for college and got my first taste of a T1, I went download crazy, DLing everything I could until I was able to start getting my hand on bootleg software. For YEARS I use to bootleg software and games, until one day it hit me.

The difference with your example though is that robbing a bank is flat our wrong. It’s more akin “to me” to when you get a receipt at a take-out place and there is a line for “Tip”. they did nothing ‘extra’, so all income should come from that order, and you can just ignore/strikeout the tip line, but it helps them

Oh, like I said, there are work arounds to everyone of those items listed. Freezing is a terrific idea, just not ideal for everyone, freezers don’t have a ton of space, especially compared to a pantry. My wife likes to coupon, so our freezer space gets eaten up by ‘other stuff’, personally we don’t even use our ice

I cosign this 10,000%.

I’ll bite, but there is ALWAYS a reason to do store bought, actually a few...

I hit 33 in April and I’m on the same trajectory as the OP. I think number 1 is a little different from person to person, but its’ IMO the next phase to reaching old folks “IDGAF” mode. wit hthe various ‘wars’ you go through, as you get older, smaller fights look even smaller, what you use to consider pressure is now