DAMN! Is that Panda from Jimmy Falon? Is that why he doesn’t appear on the show anymore, Panda is off of his meds???
DAMN! Is that Panda from Jimmy Falon? Is that why he doesn’t appear on the show anymore, Panda is off of his meds???
Hes a big black dude.....hes only supposed to be spending $17. or maybe no more than $7.00 at Wally World....Tee hee.
That lil’ narrow assed wht. gal, wasn’t even runnin’ down her moms leg when Earth, Wind & Fire was performing.
His silly assed momma and daddy r in law enforcement. Thats how he got free and clear.
I think so, or part. Hes not a wht. boy. His parents r in law enforcement, he hides behind them.
Zimdink ain’t white. Hes got parents that r in law enforcement.....thats how he got big favor. BIG BAD BUBBA waiting on his fluffy ass to arrive at cell block prison.
Zimdink, what he speaks from his pie hole, may just well be his own demise.....4ever.
Wht. people have always been taught from the cradle to believe that they are more superior than everyone else, even GOD.
Wht. people are afraid of Jews, Blacks, & Mexicans. Wht. people have always been taught from the cradle to believe that they are more superior than everyone else, even GOD.
As the “Jim Crow” laws return...... Doesn’t surprise me 1 DAMN bit!!!
2 words can apply.....Smith & Wesson.
2 words can apply........Smith & Wesson.
Why can’t people just do their stinkin’ jobs without making personal attacks on people they don’t even know.....I’m sure that silly dude got paid.....all $$$ is green fool!
Would his silly decision to end DACA affect that tranny hes married too???
Hmmm...... He might try to find a fake clause somewhere, some made up law, and try to come at black people next.......
Trump ISNT a president!
Cute video. Don’t u wish that could happen to the trump and cronies deplorables?
Trump wants to run the country like VD Pootin, and fat face, Who-flung-poo run their parts of the world. Dictatorship, Authoritarian.......and no one can have a say into anything.
Weelll, now it has been cosigned on the dotted line.......its the code of the wht. police officers all over the world.
Ok.....was the DUI probability arrested? Given the sober test? Soooo, if she/he was of color or even black, the person would’ve been shot and killed, no questions asked??? Driving, walking, breathing anywhere in the USA while black is a crime even when no crime is involved??? People of color, black people have…