Tinfoil Hat in a thunderstorm, now with added diecast

and perhaps a more capable off-road SUV?

Three words. LIVE. REAR. AXLE. or BODY. ON. FRAME. lol

You and me both! It’s like a wish list name. Basically I want a fast, affordable car with great mpg (doesn’t have to be a hybrid, but I don’t now how else to hot 30mpg city), but no one’ll build it. They get close like the new Mustang, but I want 30 in the city. So I inspire minds like yours and wait for the day I can

hold it gangsta. Sideways isn’t harder than vertical, just twist your wrist.

The only way it could be more funny is if the guy was still alive on the ground and set upon by ants.

I think John Lennon called it “instant karma”

You mean our horizontal computer screens can’t orient “correctly.” This is an orientation issue, not a scaling issue.

I have heard there was explosive residue found on the hole.

The red mist was probably a thicker than water type liquid that was once inside a large self propelled container.

You can’t get sucked out of an airplane. You can be blown out of one.

I really hope that turns out to be the case. Not the terrorism obviously, but a well deserved face-plant would sure soften the story.

So the unconfirmed terrorist was sucked out his own hole, on fire, and was the only one that died? It’s kinda sick, but I find that funny. Hahah. Man that guy must’ve sucked at life

Smartphones have been around for what ... six or seven years now? Are people ever going to learn to hold them properly when taking videos?

The problem with being an obnoxious brat of a customer is sometimes the owner is also an obnoxious brat who has no problem telling you to go pound sand.

Found a pic of the dude after getting his order canceled.

As a business owner, I wish I was rich enough to tell shitlord customers to go pound it. Good for you Elon.

Do you have to choose sides? When two rich and powerful people are behaving like douchebags to each other, it’s okay just to root for injuries.

I’m glad Musk canceled his order. Owning a company and being able to tell someone you don’t like that you don’t want their business is one of the great pleasures in life.

Here’s Musk’s side of the story:

Alsop’s Fables: Bitch and You Shall Not Receive

He has, however, invited him aboard the next SpaceX launch...