
Regardless the term should be Quad HD

I thought SCARLET was 3K? RED being 4K, and EPIC being 5K. [techcrunch.com]

This is not considered Ultra High-Definition. This TV is QUAD HD. Ultra High-Definition has a resolution of 7,680 x 4,320.

Thanks for the correction. I assumed Thor was in this book because he's in the picture and they mention him in the article.

Wow! Nice shot dood! Looks like fun. Where was this over?

I say the X-Men rock the Avenger's world. Except maybe Thor, but no one else stands a chance unless Avengers have the Hulk.

Cool Terminator 2 Cyberdyne T-shirt!

Suck it bitch!

Again, logic fail. You're mother is a retired cop and was only shot at once! ONCE!

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I'm surprised at the complacency of commenters and GMO crops.

Give this man a star! Well said and completely true as I read through the comments.

I found it! It's by Lui Antonio from Arvid Nelson's "Warlord of Mars."

Is that Frank Frazetta art?

No need to sell the argument it's the truth. Telecom employees climb poles EVERYDAY. How often does the average cop even fire his gun on-duty? NOT everyday.

I wonder why MGM is part of the film studio. Do they have the international release or something?

I love Sam Worthington!

Good point. The Shannons think they're above the law. There needs to be some serious backlash from the other member of the Terra Nova community. Put the screws to them and make Jim work construction detail for a couple of years.

Where can I get some of these fabulous costumes?!

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It showed the video when I replied, but then it was gone. Hopefully it works now.

I've really enjoyed reading several of your posts on this topic. I was once a Christian when I was younger and abandoned it as I grew older. I tend to agree more with Buddhist thinking, but consider myself an atheist. I really enjoy Deepak Chopra's views on spirituality and consciousness.