
That was absolutely hilarious! This guy is clever. What a great way to end the night. Thanks Gizmodo!

Bing Maps!

Well said. Mekki is making a weird argument.

Cash rules everything around me. The system is not set up to easily change speed limit laws. You can ask an elected official to do it, but since a lower speed limit means increased revenue he or she will likely tell you to get bent.

I'm in total agreement with you, however I work on the sides of roads occasionally and it is kind of scary when people do 50mph in a 25mph zone especially when the road is narrow or has cars parked along side of it.

Well said! I totally agree with you. One a stretch of road in the town I live in we have an express way. For some reason the two lane portion of the express way is 65mph. When it becomes 3 lanes it then become 60mph for no reason other than when they first built it there was going to be several housing developments

Arizona has photo radar on their freeways. Not much different than this.


Where do you live at?

Strawman arguments never make sense

How are they able to guess the rocks age without landing on it? VIRTIS spectrometer can determine age? That's really incredible!

Well said!

I loved that show!

Didn't iO9 post this before? I wonder how this relates?

LOL! Never seen that video before. Only you Frank! = )

No way he's doing this in California! How is he able to make these videos? Can regular people actually own this kind of shit??

Now that the U.S. will not be spending hundreds of millions of dollars a month in Iraq in a few months, how about we start running fiber optics all over the place.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I felt the sense of urgency and panic. I felt it was believable. Otis and Shane getting cornered was an excellent thrill and I can't wait to find out how they get out of that situation.

HA! That is too funny!

You're right. I wish there was another story line for the Doc and that way I could find out more about him. = )