
I never understand the rationalizations people have because something has never happened to them it must not be true.

Talk about a jack move! Straight stick up kids.

I say go for it Zack! It's time to try something different or there is no point in trying at all.

"and the Darth Vader/Old Ben geriatric cane fight that followed in Episode IV"

LMFAO! That was a funny story! I totally visualized it.

Just curious why in No. 1 you used cancelled with 2 L's and then in No. 9 used just 1 L.

I can't believe in 2011 there are still grainy crappy ass photos like these.

Jude Law is awesome!

General Poll question:

You're a troll. You used the trite "Like everyone else" argument which means nothing.

Your first sentence totally negates everything you said. You OBVIOUSLY have no idea what a technician faces daily on their job.

Annalee that was a brilliant write up. You truly have a gift as a writer. You had me laughing out loud!

I want to smoke out with Annalee! This is why she is the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF!!

You're the man! Finally a truthful comment. I've been bumming reading all these pro-corporations, pro-million dollar payouts to executives.

Total troll comment. Perhaps it's the same reason the rich don't want to pay their fair share of taxes.

I don't believe him when he says he never watched Arnold's version of Conan. Arnold was every young boy's role model in the 80s.

Let's face it dood is doing the roids

Cloning a MAC address is simple especially on an unsecured network

Actually with a dynamic dispatch the tech will never be able to tell a customer they're running late. They get one job at a time. It's completely random who gets your job. If the company overbooked the AM work, you're SOL. They always overbook because they don't want techs sitting around.

I wish it could happen, but no cable company is going to allow that to happen after these series of write ups.