
Cloning a MAC address is simple especially on an unsecured network

Actually with a dynamic dispatch the tech will never be able to tell a customer they're running late. They get one job at a time. It's completely random who gets your job. If the company overbooked the AM work, you're SOL. They always overbook because they don't want techs sitting around.

I wish it could happen, but no cable company is going to allow that to happen after these series of write ups.

You have no idea what you're talking about. We have NO IDEA what someone's house is going to look like. Customer service reads a script to the customer saying what needs to be done. 99% of the time the customer doesn't listen to it and so 99% of the time we have to ask them to move their furniture. I've had customer's

Mat, and don't forget most cable systems today can't use those old 600-900MHZ splitters. And satellite diplexers that are 2GHZ do not work on cable either. These all have to be hunted down and replaced.

This article is complete bullshit. I'd love to take Mat for a ride along and show him what a cable technician actually runs into.

DJ's are huge assholes and egomaniacs.

I hope this sets a legal precedent against employers who wish to terminate employment based on social networks.

LOL! Nice one!

This really disappoints me. I really liked this show.

I totally understood what you were saying!

I love reading the comments where everyone says THIS group is better or THAT group is better.

Either way it is pretty funny!

What's that from?

I can't believe some people are starred commenters.

Kristen, Great article! I love seeing Giz write about this. Please write about the precautionary period in science that says to wait on products such as these.

I wonder if they had Apaches for back up if that would have helped at all. They could have circled the battlefield with FLIR looking for any Taliban fighters.

I know it's so annoying and I see comments about it every post, yet nothing is done to correct it. Probably an issue with Chrome than with Giz

Actually American wages have been stagnant for decades. I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but I suggest looking at the Dept. of Labor statistics.

Well said PaddyDugan!