This is just another marketing feature to sell customers a "World" LTE phone that basically covers the entire 700 MHZ spectrum. But expect to pay a premium for it.
This is just another marketing feature to sell customers a "World" LTE phone that basically covers the entire 700 MHZ spectrum. But expect to pay a premium for it.
History will remember him as a hero.
If Daniel Ellsberg gives Manning the thumbs up then so do I!
Manning is an American Patriot
Wow, you're right! It is soo beautiful.
"but just the insistently ignorant ones who deny that there ever was a man named "Jesus" who walked the earth about two thousand years ago."
Rowen is only slightly correct. I'm not one of those Americans, but my voice is drowned out by the sea of citizens that are.
Nice write up! I share your point of view. Well said.
I love in Hemet the town next to San Jacinto. The church has so much security at that compound it's not even funny. They've tried for years to close the road, but luckily the Saboba Indian casino has been successful with stopping them.
Cool! I've never seen these before. Thanks for posting.
OMG that looks painful. I hope he recovers quickly with no permanent damage.
This is a really interesting story. It would be interesting to find out if Shakespear did smoke the ganja, but I guess it's not really that important to find out.
This is a perfect example of how science works. Science and knowledge is ever evolving and the best way to discover things is through an open and objective mind.
Wow, that is incredible! Nature is so awe inspiring.
Define "a lot"? That's subjective. Higher prices will kill innovation.
You're a fool and that's a strawman's argument.
Where is the BAN HAMMER?!
Nice 38th! Totally agree with you
Dood, these things pay for themselves. The cost to repair them should not be that great and it also creates jobs!
Yeah, fuck the weed haters!