@emu_ninja: LOL
@emu_ninja: LOL
@Musclehead: Boo-Yeah!
@TampaShooters: You're missing the point. It's the principle.
@stereobot: Well said!
@apathyduck: BAN HAMMER!
@Balveda: You can judge whatever you want, but it doesn't give you credibility.
Nice write up Annalee!
Cute pic
Way to go Bob Mewse! That's a great accomplishment!
@ginnymcqueen: You miss the point. It's simply not cost effective for networks and cable companies to offer ala carte programming.
@ginnymcqueen: LOL, good thought!
Cyriaque I also LOLed at your line about the son sleeping during the zombie apocalypse
@zegota: I thought it was great too. I thought Lori did a good job of acting like "Oh shit, I've been enjoying my husband's best friend sexually since I thought my husband has been dead"
Cyriaque, totally agree with your last paragraph. I'd love to see this love triangle play out through the rest of the show.
@nacuna: Viva Costa Rica!
@LukeDukem: OMG! Fuck, that is an awesome picture!