
I doubt if it’ll be any. Nintendo didn’t even make replacement wii u chargers.

if play this. it's not multiplayer and it looks greasy. the only problem is the other people naming things

what exactly is a tabletop game? I play Warhammer 40k and the occasional d and d but I'm pretty sure those are wargames and RPGs

So you get to choose or you get randomly assigned to the military? The latter sounds really unfair if other people can get out of it.

That's not our fault though. If the terrorists are sexist then that's there problem.

I think I figured out a way to get around being drafted. If it looks like some really big war in which a draft would occur is brewing simply enlist as a drone pilot.

My other great grandfather may have built part of the bomb.

My great grandfather served in Korea and was apparently part of this.

This game looked amazing when I first saw it, but now I'm not going to play it. I don't like multiplayer only game.

I was excited until I learned it was multiplayer only. I'll play multiplayer occasionally but I don't like games that force you.

That would be an efficient way of delivering air mail. Get over the lot and drop the pod which will then deploy its chute.

The US doesn’t need a cool looking Air Force. They have one. Imagine your some terrorist sitting in a desert somewhere, if you saw an A-10 thunderbolt 2 (warthog) coming at you would you run? No. Your death is already immenant. I would just stand and take in how cool the thing looked

Did that happen?

I own Lego versions of both of those

Wait. Ps2s were £300 originally? I got mine for 12.50 used plus a controller and 2 Medal of Honor games