Union Pacifik

The big improvements in HD trucking will occur when self driving trucks become prevalent. Eliminating truck stops is the first step. Can you imagine the waste in capital as a truck plus load sits idle say 12 hours per day. Did you ever see a UPS or FedEx truck in a truck stop?

I have owned two Prius and have studied their drive system. The Japanese Engineering team that developed the drive system deserves some sort of technical prize. No one else  has seriously matched its attributes. Further, some other car companies gave up trying to design their own system and, instead, decided to pay

Can somebody give me a good reason why the Marine Corps needs any aircraft at all?

In the year that I owned a Model S I averaged about 118 MPG gasoline Equiv. At that fuel economy, and whatever carbon was used to generate the juice, how could I have a carbon problem compared to gasoline (equivalent MPG if ICE powered would be say 25)? I am considering propulsion energy only.

The big cost reduction in moving truck freight comes from eliminating the wasted time in truck stop time off duty. Truckers need relay stops like the Pony Express. Did you ever see a UPS truck spend the night in a truck stop?

Used Greyhound bus with the dogs taken off the side.

Advice to the union members: learn how to program and otherwise repair robots.

The cars that are more or less operable can be used for demolition derbies. Infinite supply.

Get the car crushers quick before the flooded cars are sent overseas.

Take the whole bunch to the car crusher. Done

A one sided candle in the EV wind argument.

You hope that you won’t need a $800 alternator out of warranty.

Many drivers don’t want to be seen in a mini van.

Once they decided to limit the rear seats to two adults (two adult seat belts) couples should have limited their offspring to two. Also I would have concentrated on receiving a rigorous education, with limited time fit sports.

Very worthwhile writeup.