
Winning war by starting rumors and public shaming. Great.

Um, WTF are you talking about, this isn’t civil disobedience, LOL.

If you're actually confused you should probably hit the books or something.

Indeed. The only large amounts of pre-war stuff that should be left would be in sealed caches.

Well as far as that goes it could easily have been left there more recently. In the new games there’s frequently a skeleton nearby when there’s loose weapons around.

Then again, you are the first person in 2287 (or whatever specific year is is) to have first-hand experience of pre-War life. Everyone else in the Wasteland grew up in the Wasteland, as did their parents and grandparents.

The lack of coverage is likely because A) Blizzard doesn’t give reviewers early access to any of their games; and B) some Fallout thing.

I also love how there’s still (edible!) food on the shelves of convenience stores.

Yeah, that’s something that bothers me about Nu-Fallout (3 and later), the amount of unused junk lying around is stupidly high, the amount of dead bodies left in building that are ACTIVELY BEING USED. It breaks immersion to a degree.

How convenient for me that a fully-functioning laser rifle has been leaning up against that Nuka-Cola machine ever since the bombs fell!

It's like f3 on steroids. It was hard to feel sorry for anyone when so much stuff was laying around beside them. Now it's worse. Kills the world in my opinion since that kind of kills the idea of a past having done anything. By the time you come out, stuff should be picked pretty clean. What was everybody doing?

$15 more and you can have Brahmin armor.

Kinda weird how you’re the first person in hundreds of years to come up with the idea of using all the junk lying around to rebuild civilization.

And they forwent amazing sidequests and quirky characters for “SETTLEMENTS!” which is dull as fuck...

I'm sworn to carry your burdens. Moooooo.

Amen to that. I almost prefer the old jrpg method of just buying upgraded gear at new towns and being done with it

Crafting is the bane of RPGs.

To your well reasoned list, they will respond:

Outrage is how we operate now. Every article is framed as good guy vs. bad guy, and nuance is a thing of the past lol.

It’s a cup.