This guy is a poster child of what is wrong with capitalism. Rooting against his team from now on. /blogpost
This guy is a poster child of what is wrong with capitalism. Rooting against his team from now on. /blogpost
I can tell your superior upbringing and education by the utter lack of capitalization and punctuation in your posts.
I was gonna say Trumpistan but it amounts to the same thing.
Honestly, I’m getting sick of living in the same country as these creeps. Serious consideration needs to me made of the idea of just letting the interior states break away and become Dumbfuckistan.
This is what’s so frustrating about the media these days. If anyone is spouting nonsensical bullshit, then they should be called on it. There’s nothing partisan about the truth or facts. So journalists should not be afraid to call them out on the blatant lies.
That lie was DISGUSTING. And fuck the moderator & “fact checkers” for not calling that bullshit out right away. I know they’re doing it for ratings & didn’t want to seem too anti-republican (read honest/intelligent) by bringing up the bullshit they said but that went waaaaay too far. The media would rather give these…
CMP and Daleiden deny that their actions were illegal and have maintained that they followed both state and federal laws while recording the videos.
Unfortunately I don't think it'll matter in the court of public opinion. At least not to republicans/evangelicals/fundies/morons etc. . We all saw the debate, the people going after PP don't care about the truth, they never did. These people think rights only belong to white Christians & everyone else is dead to…
I wonder how hard it is for a dealership to get a restraining order...
hitler thought some art was ok:
Feminists are the ones who started this issue specifically with Tyler when they got him banned from Australia, so yes, this is feminists that are doing this. Additionally feminists have a long history of censorship of views and ideas they find objectionable. From fulling fire alarms at CAFE meeting, to banning…
Ummm feminist groups have been lobbying for that. Like the ones in this article.
Then you should take that up with the writer of this article, the word is even in the title.
Weird that you seem unable to answer my very straight forward question.
I mean, the article seems devoted to proving the idea that “feminism” as an umbrella term for individuals and groups, accomplished this, so mostlyharmless isn’t in the wrong for stating that.
You know who else went after artists for political reasons? Hitler.
Thought policin’ is tricky business.
So this article contains no information about feminist groups abroad actively lobbying their governments to deny Tyler entry to their countries?