? sum timez yor inskrootibul ?
? sum timez yor inskrootibul ?
No, there's a clear difference between explaining your position in an even handed, calm, mature fashion, and presenting an intensely obsessive, disturbingly precise but arbitrary, and ultimately unsettling deposition. His "explanation" is much more of a plea, a demand that his inscrutable wisdom be heard and heeded,…
No. I'm summing up my instinctual and intuitive initial response to a piece of writing which struck me as highly calculated and clinical in it's execution, as opposed to being a heartfelt, impassioned attempt to inform the public to the nature of his position. He sounds much more like a seasoned trial lawyer laying…
Fascinating parallel, except the baby that belonged to another man was Frank Sinatra's, not Woody's.
Your arrogant self satisfaction has blinded and deafened you to the truth. This detail of the lie detector exam is a well documented fact, yet your pompous indignation would suggest that no one on the planet could have possibly been aware of it. Now apologize to everyone whom you've insulted and disappointed.
That brilliant and eloquent analysis - expose? - is the final nail in Woody's coffin, in my opinion. It's a devastatingly conclusive and riveting breakdown of the pathology that has enabled and driven Woody to commit such horrendous transgressions against his own blood and kin, and which allows him to prosper and…
"where her bread is buttered."
Well, the curious, daunting aspect of this terrible situation is that Dylan may not know what, if anything actually happened. Her sense of reality may be so profoundly altered by childhood confusion, parental coaching, trauma over her parents' vicious divorce, or even her own imagination that she has no grasp of…
Too Real; Didn't Like
Would a prolonged and vigorous tournament of D&D between Mia and Woody be a practical means towards them achieving emotional, financial, spiritual and theatrical equilibrium?
You call that Writing?! I call it Typing. Cheers.
Jewish Lawyers. Ask for them by name! I'm allowed to make that joke, I'm Jewish.
Isn't Terry1 such a pleasant, welcome voice of reason? Ha! What a complete tool. Apparently, he (she?) has VERY serious authority issues. He's (she's?!) struggling to differentiate between writing that is Personal Opinion and writing that is the WORD OF GOD. People with authority issues usually detest being exposed to…
I like your spunk, kid!
I can't read…
Put everything you just said in the context of Woody Allen is a raging narcissist, entirely consumed by his own compulsions, idiosyncrasies, passions and terrors. He's something of a sociopath, wholly self obsessed and only marginally capable of human compassion, empathy, or self sacrifice, and that's something that's…
Dear Mr. Character,
Exactly how is a legal courtroom NOT a manifestation of general consensus? Consider the concept: "Jury of your peers." We - the distinguished and noble AV Club commentariat - are the Jury of Peers to the various media personalities. Are we not the most qualified ones to render final judgement on…
Which supports my notion of him being something of a sociopath. Many sociopaths are superb students of human behavior because they must study and practice what they perceive to be "normal" social behavior and emotions which do not come to them naturally. Sociopaths are often very conscious of their own pathology and…
With Google vision about to become more practical and ubiquitous the scenario in the book is surprisingly possible if not actually likely. 24/7 broadcasts of politicians kissing ass is sure to be riveting TV!
That's an interesting concept but unless I'm completely delusional my knowledge of politics today is that there really aren't any "backroom" deals anymore. That's the really absurd, tragic fact of politics today; all the corruption is out in the open. There's no secret, clandestine alliances and special interests. All…