
But would that mysterious pornography delivering machine also annoy me with dimwitted, inane, unfunny chattering twits, torment me with awful musical acts, and distract me with mind meltingly badly produced unsexy video segments? Because that's the sort of entertainment upon which I thrive - Like a delicate fragrant

50 Years of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit pictorials? Could I be more erect?!

My cause is just, my will is strong, and my gleaming sword is forged in the furnace of everlasting truth. Heaven help my adversaries…

Now you're being tedious and boring and deathly dull and self righteous and silly. WOW, all that and with only 5 words! Good job.

Yeah you should prolly sit down.

I was attempting to be grossly racist and monstrously ignorant. How'd I do?

Yep, you got me!

But Adam is a caricature, a gross theatrical device, and not at all a fully fleshed out human. He possesses some comical, compelling, stark qualities, but he's hardly a complete personality. He's a manifestation of the myth of the primitive male artist, the atavistic macho creative force against which female artists

Arte Lange is what happens to a semi-comedic mind when it pays too much attention to itself. He was colossal piece of shit with a couple mediocre quips and a microphone.

The Phillies had the sublimely pleasant Harry Kalas for so many wonderful years. He was the only reason I tolerated so many miserable losing seasons, hearing Harry so casually, eloquently, artfully narrate one of life's most genuinely tedious pleasures. I can't watch a game with the sound on anymore. Same for

Aren't you very, very dead?!

The Minotaur is coming from inside your pants.

I was impishly mocking the typographical error in your comment. Haven't you caught your grammatical blunder? You wrote: "You can delude herself…" What does this mean?!

Larry The Cable Guy and Tyler Perry are not clever, talented individuals striving to create art. They are corny, dreadful expressions of mediocrity, and I don't critique their work because I don't watch it, except when I happen to channel surf onto one of their awful, lame, pathetic programs. If I have anything

a. is a statement of paranoia. You are attributing to Lena an intention and a motive which simply isn't borne out by the reality of her show. It's almost as if you've never actually seen the show.

I did. I referred to Bush as The Turd in Chief. And Reagan was The Acting Turd. No, I just made that up. Describing dark skinned people as equivalent to feces is certainly an offensive, unacceptable expression of blatant racism, but as far as offensive, unacceptable expressions of blatant racism go, it's one of the

You'd have a valid, worthwhile point except that Scalzi - like 99% of Lena's detractors - has misunderstood the program. He, too, is consuming it at only the most superficial level, missing all the rich and satisfying sarcastic, self deprecating, smart humor. What part of the word Satire are all you uptight angry

Despite what common decency and common sense dictates I take great pleasure in denigrating people for their religious beliefs, especially Christian beliefs, which rank as the most preposterous and self deluding and tiresome of all beliefs. Amen.

Equating the President of the United States with shit is a proud tradition and a cherished right in America for which many brave, noble people have sacrificed their lives. Freedom to criticize or mock or snidely denigrate the leader of the land is an essential aspect of our liberty and that's the part of the bad taste

Just like the kids on Friends had those spacious, desirable apartments and only three of them were gainfully employed. Fantasy and mythology is the essence of TV sitcoms and dramedies and, well, almost all of it. So if you follow the logic of parodying the history of sitcoms and romcoms and chick lit you can