
They Rocked the Casbah.

Ha! You're so naive. So very naive…

I can't understand how dancing spasmodically in a house of worship would warrant any jail time, much less 2 years. Wouldn't it have been enough to sentence the girls to listen for 8 straight hours to their own music? Ohhhhhhh!

Ah, yes, that's the magic word!

Nilsson, an American, traveled to England to record this album where he dropped acid and was thus inspired to write Coconut and this astonishingly evocative, original, sensational tune. Drugs and Travel - the perfect recipe for great art.

To be perfectly blunt, I don't read or watch or ponder Science Fiction to learn anything, other than perhaps what the author may feel to be a worthwhile issue affecting our present condition here on Earth, now, today. When I was younger the snazzy exotic gadgets, machines, vehicles and weapons of SciFi thrilled and

To be perfectly blunt, I don't read or watch or ponder Science Fiction to learn anything, other than perhaps what the author may feel to be a worthwhile issue affecting our present condition here on Earth, now, today. When I was younger the snazzy exotic gadgets, machines, vehicles and weapons of SciFi thrilled and

Their political meetings usually end in frenzied Caucus Flinging.

Giamatti was born as an orangutan!

I have an idea to market a line of cross species friendly snack foods. I'll call them Potato Chimps.

Time & Space Traveler's Cheques.

I find your ideas intriguing and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, The Crap Flinger.

You make an excellent, unassailable point.The fact is all Science Fiction is ultimately fatally flawed, undermined by at least one critical lapse in its internal logic. Take for example 2001: A Space Odyssey. In that otherwise impeccable Future Fable every conceivable potential gap in the Space/Time continuum is

You truly are the Jumbo Shrimp in the appetizer assortment of life's grand banquet.

OMG. The dogs are sleeping with the cats, the rain forests are flourishing, and Sophia Coppola is allowed to be mentioned in the same breath as her father. OMG.

Didn't your more talented, but somehow not as well liked doppelganger star in that feature?

The situation, here, with you, is that it's just so incendiary to accuse people of gross incompetence in terms of their tastes in cinematic diversions. If people chose to find deep, resonant meaning in the nebulous emptiness of Sophia's semi stylish diary doodle of a film who are you to denigrate their petty

As horrendously obnoxious and savagely repulsive as your comments may strike certain more sensitive, tender hearted readers, I agree that LiT was very overrated, most likely by people who were somehow perceiving sublime profundity in the film's abundant stultifying vacuity. There were intimations that deep, resonant

Sophia's films are nothing to sneer at.

Firstly, you simply got bored with Extras Season 2. There's no other fair and rational explanation. For whatever reason certain, um, personalities which require constant, fresh stimulus and variety in order to maintain engagement are more easily distracted. Season 2 was equally clever, original and preposterous as