
Many people go off their meds in order to feel something, to connect emotionally to the world. Some of those meds are extremely potent and all but entirely shut down normal emotional responses. I can understand him wanting to experience life, even if it means risking his health and well being.

So, Chevy is to Community what Martin Mull was to Fernwood/America 2Nite.

That waxy yellow buildup is the precious golden amber of bygone days hardening into a chrysalis like tomb of eternally preserved sorrows and regrets. Or so my career counselor tells me…

Louise Lasser’s star shined brightest in what cinematic tragicomic horror masterpiece? That's right - Frankenhooker. You've earned yourself a bloody, infectious, exploding gold star!

I prefer lemon, and only a twist. It's less sour and softens up the tonic just a touch,

What?! Shit yeah. Back in the day Rod could nail a solid C5 with a booming, raucous scream. But age and drinking has taken its toll. His middle to upper is mostly a crackly whisper now. He's still got swagger and that counts a lot. His show at the Troubadour this year is great, but he's declined, whereas Jeff has only

Stinks? You'd know. Ha! My comment goes to 11.

The joke would have been to ask where does Clueless Neophyte get his ideas, from a Ouija board or a Youtube board? Get it, a Youtube board!?… Yeah, me neither.

The Vatican, historically, has been adamantly opposed to the Ouija board. Pope Franky - who is shaking things up with his hip, enlightened, progressive attitude, and who, like all Pope's before him, also controls Hollywood - is cool with kids chatting with the Devil.

I like the Velvets, I love Pizza, and I can even tolerate Hipster Celebrity Bands. But this? This is beyond the pale. The pale white pasty pale.

I'm not downvoting your comment, but I am upvoting every other comment on the internet.

If you happened to be going through an ugly breakup at the time, as I was, Intolerable Cruelty is much more satisfying. It's an inferior Coens film with too much reliance on Clooney's natural charm as opposed to genuinely clever, witty dialog, but the mean spirited, vicious behavior is well plotted. It's actually

Burn After Reading is fantastic if you realize that the true focus of the story is the CIA office and the director. His matter of fact, practical, "whatevs" attitude is the heart and soul of the film. The story is revolving - actually, wildly spinning - around the seemingly sensible behavior of the professional

Victorian Christmas thing - tossing street urchins into the orphanage as forced labor fabricating sexual implements and prosthetics for the depraved and impotent upper classes. Ah, holiday traditions…

Love and Tears. Stir gently.

Rod has a great voice today? I saw him singing Xmas shit on some TV show a few weeks back and it was very, um, interesting. He could barely hit a note above middle C.

Get a Kickstarter campaign going to finance them returning to your area, and to pay for your tickets.

Makes you Da Man.

Well of course he's a terrible musician, assuming you, too, hate genuinely original, compelling, evocative, inspired melodic beauty. If that's your disposition then, yeah sure, he's a total hack. Heh heh, I'm sarcastic.

He REALLY hates snakes.