
The two officers reportedly involved have since left THAT force.”

Native Tennessean here, and we have our own backwards shit happening of late. Nice to see that MS always seems to outdo us all. What a shithole. And the governor looks like a man baby.

Four, none of those questions are relevant to the law being passed.

Republicunts gonna republicunt. 

Pay by character, budget car tmz, calling out someone else for poor writing.

Lol this is America, where the former president had lunch with a known white supremacist. 

“Racially insensitive.” No, that is a hell of a lot more than insensitive, that’s the whole kit and caboodle of straight up fuck-you level racism.

Look at where you are spending your money. Reap what you sow. 

Black people should have stopped eating this crap, garbage food and patronizing this bigoted racist company a long time ago. When they treated the LGBTQ community the way they did it was only a matter of time before the black community would be targeted. As Maya Angelou said, “when someone shows you who they are

A misspelling of Nyiasha, might be Niesha. Not what they wrote. Nice try.

“The company believes this wasn’t intentional but rather a misspelling.”

Nonsense. 40% of Americans live in cities of 50K or more. I walk down the streets of mine with Christmas lights twinkling up in the trees year round, past a dozen restaurants with their tables outside and bars with their windows just about to open for the spring - Thai food, pizza, Five Guys burgers, grilled salmon,

In 50 years there has only been city/state approval to maintain the handful of overpasses that were initially constructed. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and good old leadership racism pulled funding from anything being done beyond that.

To be faaaaair

He could have done the same thing and more by building a library, hospital, or school and not have missed a penny. The benefits would outlast the build, too.

Why not both?

Because... RyanAir.

Yeah I did, maybe because El Al has the star of David on the tail? Seems super lazy.

Why is the photo on this article of El Al planes? They literally have nothing to do with this story.

Why does the baby cost money to fly if it is not taking up a seat?  2 adults + 0 kids = 2 seats.  But 2 adults + infant = only 2 seats.  So why the cost for the child, if not pure greed?