
That’s great news since Turkey is a member of NATO—allegedly on our side. On the other hand, Erdogan is a shithead dictator who is perfectly fine with his goons attacking Americans here in America:

As others have pointed out, “rare earths” are not rare, and the US has plenty of it. It’s just that it is incredibly expensive and dirty to extract if you have any environmental standards.

Turkey borders Iran and Georgia (and therefore Russia), so it’s more like “who should I write this check to, Turkey, how many minorities do you want disappeared, and how many fighter jets do you need?”

Yes, but given the gun proliferation in the US, having a Gun in one’s possession is hardly a crime (well, officially, unofficially we know that being black while X is the exception to all rules).. So they would have to prove that he actually FIRED the gun (and in their direction).. simply running away and having a gun

I’m going go so far as to say that it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter if he did have a gun unless he was brandishing it (and even then why should it matter since white people do this shit all the damn time including taking shots at said pigs without being shot down like a dog) because Ohio is one of those open carry

Angry Black Men have been known to take literally dozens of bullets and still keep coming! It’s all the PCP and Blackness!

Do you think that’s the French Flag? Also, this island is between Ontario and New York, so Quebec is even less relevant.

Canada and New York State.”

inflation is corporate greed. full stop.

Pretty much all the links are going to wrong articles. It’s pretty embarrassing, really. Feels extremely click-bait-y.

Has to be.

I don’t think $10k is a bad price for a really nice Samurai, but if they want a premium(ish) price then they should write a decent add and give us some service history or something. Are we even sure that the odometer didn’t roll over? I know this isn’t a grand tourer, but rural AZ is a lot of long straight roads to

I wouldn’t expect any sedans to be around in 2025, at least not here in Murica. We either need SUVs to haul the family around in or lifted white full sized pickups for those affected with a micropeen.

I helped build an Escalade for a customer that made over 600 to the tire.

It’s unsettling having something that big, move that quickly.

If you’re paying $150k for this, even a few grand in fees isn’t going to make you blink. Financial barriers only for poor people. Just like crimes that only come with a fine, it’s

Half of the US senate is over 70. Half. 1/4 is over 80. They give absolutely zero fucks about anything. Like 50 members of congress are over 70. I think close to half are over 60. They have no fucks to give about the future either. So no no they dont. 

Next generation? Come on. This is the US we’re talking about. When it comes to the powers that be, the only thinking beyond next quarter’s numbers is the next election cycle. The ‘next generation’ doesn’t own shares and can’t vote yet. 

It’s like morons votes against their own self-interests.

Or, you know, they can’t afford to.

My 18-year-old daughter doesn’t know how to drive. She’s never cared about driving. She lives in a big city with excellent public transportation, and will always live in a big city with excellent public transportation.

It’s almost like the law was designed this way by... wealthy corporate donors?

Nah, couldn’t be.