
Is cracker also a country?

First, stop patronizing purveyors who have a history of white supremacy. Second, see first. No chicken on earth is worth your self-respect.


An undeniably attractive monstrosity. 



The only thing confusing about it is the corporate infotainment media's coverage of it as if the two situations were similar. Headlines like this are harmful, and buttress the narratives advanced by the toxic white male dominated Press. You're a tool of the white patriarchy. Enjoy!

Your headline is misleading. It isn’t destruction. The appropriate term is deconstruction. 

It’s difficult to understand this story, because it’s not a story at all. It’s your opinion of a WaPo story. In any case, thank the gods representatives of colonizers (you and WaPo) are here to tell Mexicans what they should and shouldn't preserve in their homeland. 

He gone come up missing. 

So we see where he gets it?

I fucking hate you people. 

Great minds!

Show me the Carfa... errr... Boatfax?!?

I'm with the Maniacs!

We assume you're laughing at the total and complete inaccuracy of your claims regarding presidential pardons?


You didn't read the whole piece, huh?

You didn't read the whole piece, huh?

Although the sentiment is appreciated, the expectation that Iowa would practice ANY legal or legislative corrective action is wishful thinking.