Could you please just tell us what's so great about this unnecessarily enormous death machine? What (who) is it for???
Could you please just tell us what's so great about this unnecessarily enormous death machine? What (who) is it for???
Awful, hideous, embarrassing, unnecessary, an affront to common decency... take your pick.
They’ve done the relative Maths. It appears with this one, we could line up 8-10 Grammar School students directly in front of this monstrosity and the driver would not be able to see them.
Barkley would likely dance a jig or sing a tune or whatever else The Man wanted him to do to get in. Toming and cooning will always be in his repertoire.
I think you’ll find I, like everyone on this thread, stopped reading beyond the first few words of your posts once you exposed a lack of requisite knowledge to even engage on this topic. Aside from tickling my cynical sense of humor, you have absolutely nothing to offer the discussion.
You can’t be an effective part of this conversation because we keep running into concepts you don’t understand. If you can’t acknowledge the existence of white privilege, you are part of the problem. You appear to believe your esoteric experiences are universal. They are not. You are a blissfully ignorant anomaly.…
Because unarmed dead Black people are equally capable of practicing Racism against LEO? You are completely out of your depths in discussing this subject matter. Yet, your white privilege compels you to share the blatant ignorance of your opinion. Myopic or obtuse?
This is the car I learned to drive stick on at age 13!
That Crown is spectacular! Nice Beat. I would be most worried about the VW breaking down on the haul back.
Absolutely. I've recently had this conversation with a theater board I'm on. It's almost as if brutality against Blacks is a fetish for some.
This suggests a childlike understanding of Racism, particularly as practiced in the United States since and prior to its inception. Seek help. Never spawn.
And white people who benefit from white privilege shouldn’t be allowed to turn their faces under the guise of being traumatized. It is one of means by which systemic Racism is allowed to flourish. BIPOC and AAPI have to think about race and Racism every time we leave our homes, and sometimes in our homes. When white…
This wasn't a punishment, it was murder/manslaughter.
This guy is definitely a jackass, but he may also need to be ordered to have a thorough mental health evaluation. The two are not mutually exclusive.
No way trucks should be moving 72% of goods over our crumbling roads and bridges. The otr trucking industry has been obsolete for decades. But as long as the barons at the top continue to reap ungodly rewards, nothing will change.
It's a fucking Hyundai.
That's about 20 minutes from me. I'll be glad to run out there and see what this guy is... smoking.
My wife would disagree. Since she started insisting I use these strips every night, I sleep so silently I can clearly hear her snoring.
At least 6 of his vehicles should be turned into cubes tonight.
You acknowledge the person first: It’s Black man with an intellectual disability, not intellectually disabled Black man. The court finding got it right. You got it wrong. It’s not that fucking difficult to look this stuff up.