If you’re wealthy, never agree to a field sobriety test. A field sobriety test is 💯% subjective.
If you’re wealthy, never agree to a field sobriety test. A field sobriety test is 💯% subjective.
First things first... What the hell is a Stellantis???
Good thing prison ass-rapings are 💯% organic?!
The Deuce and a Quarter is an exceptional automobile.
Wake-and-bake during quarantine is perfectly normal; almost compulsory.
I think he would have gotten me at 10 cents.
The seller is a jackass and, in all likelihood, a liar.
Is Sofranko correct in his assertion that every Black player on the team supports Timmy the Murderer? Because, if true, that's the most effed up part of the story, no?
This technology has been around for decades. There are also other methods that make road construction much more affordable and long-lasting over time. Thing is, road construction is a huge lobby. Salt and plows are an intentional part of the equation. If roads don’t have to be replaced every 5 years and constantly…
“Apparently people can just say things" should be written on Musk's cryogenic chamber.
Turn it into a cube.
Sondors makes great ebikes. Why make a motorcycle without a proper seat? Do the designers not have asses?
Learned on a 1982 Datsun b210.
I’m kind of a jerk, so take this comment as your discretion will allow... How close are you people to murdering Jalopnik? I mean, some of this stuff is of zero interest to people who love cars. A bunch of awful neighbors harboring shit boxes in their yards, 60% of comments never posted, seems like swearing has been…
I wanted to take my chance to rag on this thing, but most of the comments read like this: