
ATV rolled right up into the bed. There's a stainless steel hardcover. 

Ok... uhhh... listen, I think it's fucking cool but I'm pretty weird. Even so, I kept waiting for a gotcha?! Are 'Muricans ready for whatever the hell this is???

Sure, Jan. 

I can dig it!

This is why we can't have nice things.

I don't get it. I appreciate the EV facet, but I don't get what... I don't get it. Thanks for trying, though!

Skipped down to NP after reading the headline. Went back and read the rest of the post. Still NP!

Made it move. 

Uhhhh... I want you to stop this crap right this fucking second! Nothing good came from what was called Saturn; absolutely nothing.


This ^^^ is how you present a vehicle for sale if you want to get your asking.  

You figured that out all by yourself? Proud of ya!

What a brilliant retort! We're all very proud of you. 

Have to admit, I’m looking forward to it. We know our 17 yo 1st car will be an ev. We’re starting to think our next cars will be Teslas.

I used the term bigot. If you don't know the history of Our treatment of Japanese Americans in America, perhaps eating your way through a bag of dicks will help you find the answer to your question?!

There's something you don't know about me, Joe Rogan; I smoke rocks!

Automatic CP when the seller is an unrepentant bigoted pile of human crap.

I believe a Chinese company also owns what's left of Saab.

How do you feel about kids in cages?