
Humans shouldn't be doing these jobs. 

They're probably not coming to kill you. 



We have to assume you're not including the US in your understanding of the "west".  We are currently living under a Theocratic Oligarchy. 

The good news is this killbot probably doesn’t work as advertised. That’s also the bad news.

You are clearly starved for attention. 

Seek help. 

Your initial post is proof that everything looks like shit when your head is up your ass. 

Seek help. 

She seems to be the type of LEO who escalates every situation with her abrasive, condescending attitude. Sounds like a scared, racist ass bish. 

She’s right. Joe’s not going to win the nomination, but we still have bigger fish to fry. And if he does, I will vote for him. Anyone who thinks we’re going to let this scab stay in office because Anita Hill got run over is a fool.

Too dark to watch? Ridiculous. 

Evolving? What year is it where Pete is?

It's a fucking Hyundai. 

Why are people pretending that Aquaman wasn't horrible and Amber can act her way out of a... wet paper sack?


Jesus Roosevelt Christ!
