You set it up with the people of District 13 fighting what will become the Capital to a draw. Make them the underdogs the entire time, fighting a bigger force. Make the Founders of the District 13 resistance the Heros.
You set it up with the people of District 13 fighting what will become the Capital to a draw. Make them the underdogs the entire time, fighting a bigger force. Make the Founders of the District 13 resistance the Heros.
On a different note, anyone else think Capt. Lance is about to have a really bad day? That note left on Dahrk’s desk was obviously a trap. since team Arrow attacked that location, he now knows Lance betrayed him.
Half kidding. People going through chemotherapy have been known to experience altered pepersonality, memory loss, etc. During treatment.
Yeah, then he could be suffering from chemotherapy brain.
I think I saw a commercial for that. Idiots making swords that were like 10 feet long and two feet wide, took three people to pick it up?
cast him as Randall/Flagg and then do a remake of The Stand with him playing the same character. Then use the same set designs for when the ka-tet go world jumping and land in The Stand universe. Give the whole scene in the Emerald City meeting Flagg so much more power.
It’s a fair point. They could probably make a successful argument for Fair Use. Then again, they could probably get permission easily as part of the marketing for shows, movies and newly released games.
In what way? The show name is owned by Machinima.
My preference for 2016:
Once the Reforged team got away from making hybrids of two weapons and went to regular recreations, I like them more than the original Man at Arms series. Showcases more of the team it takes to make most of these projects happen.
Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series includes the idea of contractual marriages with time limits. Of course, in his futurefuture, everyone has evolved away from religion to become atheists, so the only reason for a marriage is to raise kids and share legal benefits.
I never said that women couldn’t do those tasks.
Totally expected. And confirmed.
Stop White Knighting ‘Tony’. It’s not going to get you laid.
I said real men. Not whiny sitcom stereotype man-child bullshit.
Women aren’t the only ones doing silent work. Men do a lot that women don’t take notice of, don’t talk about, and just take it as part of being a man or a father. Keeping the tires on the cars inflated, clearing the windshield and checking fluid levels to make sure you have a safe commute. CHanging the batteries in…
Then why are the harshest critics of women I hear talking are other women? The mommy brigades who judge other mothers irl and online. The female coworkers cutting each other down.
It would have been even better if they had gotten Mel Gibson involved and made it a Lethal Weapon sequel.
So, does NZ have such a rampant sexual assault problem that several prominent members of government have been victimized, or did the others take up the position of the first woman in solidarity?
I want them to officially say all the versions are valid in the multiverse. Then they can do an Infinite Crisis type movie and have ALL the characters cross over. Imagine Gotham Jim Gordon meeting Nolanverse Jim Gordon.