
OMG someone calmly and mildly criticized something in a game we better type up a whiny comment accusing the author of being more mad than he actually was

That’s the good thing about being Luke Cage, in addition to having an Excellent Halloween he’ll also have a Sweet Christmas.

Bookmark it and watch it later!

Well, no, it’s actually because it’s an eleven-minute video of Original Content which hinges on an increasingly elaborate joke / delivery / tone. If I were to summarize it in a paragraph of text it would sound idiotic. The execution is like 99% of the thing.

User name checks out

They operate the Dawn Treader, which is Captained by Commander Reepicheep.

Do tell, what is it about Bowser that you find hot

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

I am someone who is not an “anime fan” that very much enjoys anime.

I would so love for one of the generals to walk into the Oval Office, snatch the phone out of Trumps weee little fingers and smash it repeatedly on the desk while yelling at him to shut the fuck up.

.hack// is literally one of my favorite games from the ps2 era, even the GU series was pretty dang good! i got hooked through a random episode of the anime, I think it was either a late night adult swim or something. Anyways, I’m glad others enjoyed this gem too! I’ve always wished they could have kept going, can you

Wait until you have a wife and two kids. Vacations cost me more than 4 grand these days. Repaving my driveway was 12 grand. My new window shades were 4 grand... Once you get a house and kids, you can’t do anything for a grand, except get a new iPhone.