
If you didn’t answer “The Mooch is loose” you have to move out.

Dragons must not have as much power as I was lead to believe, based purely on how often Danny got his ass handed to him.

Also how he was looking for the ORAHGAHMAY killer. Like I know he was supposed to have a Boston like accent but it’s like they hired someone with the accent then they were told to over exaggerate it.

Gizmodo Sellouts Are S hills for BIg Bubbles!!!!`!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yopu Heard It HEare First !!!!


Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

Telltale has three new game seasons in the works, the company said today. There’s a new Batman starting in August and sequels to The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead coming in 2018. Here’s hoping they’re... different.