
I just thought it was because chicken dinners are awesome?

I played a lot of Coop SC2 a while back, they’re good fun. I especially like the ones which is just wave after wave of units and seeing how much damage you can deal and take. It was almost like SimCity.

I haven’t bought any of the new commanders because I don’t want to spend $5 on any of them, but yeah, co-op is incredibly fun and I recommend it to anyone who’s into Starcraft.

He is, in fact, canonically good like that:

Well, IX is the best one so he’s right.

This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.

I used to work for PayPal and several other payment processors in the past, so I thought I’d stop and make a post about how chargebacks work through PayPal and other payment remitters. I haven’t worked in that industry in years, but from what I understand from old co-workers, it’s roughly the same policy-wise.

I’d like to take a moment to address the sheer level of salt that is being thrown out over this by the XIV community. Complete and total bullshit ranging from “This is a lie, this is media spin to cover their asses” to “they should know from experience to expect DDoS and be prepared to prevent it.” Is it a lie or

Funnily enough, I learned yesterday that Japanese interpreters are pretty rare, at least ones good enough to interpret court proceedings. They also command $1,000/hour. The trial that was set for next week is now unable to go forward until August (and I’m in a large metropolitan area).

A new story on Anime Feminist tackles the notion of “volunteer interpreters” after Anime Expo, America’s biggest anime convention, put out a call for passionate, Japanese-speaking fans to interpret for free.

Call me completely insane, but I want this to end with a DC crossover in which Doctor Manhattan is responsible for recent events in both, where he’s been playing god with the multiverse, trying to find a timeline where Earth doesn’t rip itself apart over petty bullshit.

yeah no that’s bullshit. also I don’t care how good kenshiro is. star plat could just stop time and own him. fight over. no contest