
Mr. Rogers is a man we should all aspire to be more like.

I grew up on him and PBS too. Sesame Street in the morning, and Monty Python, or Mystery at night.

Growing up we would see Fred Roger’s on vacation in Cape Cod, he knew my Grand parents. He was everything in real life that portrayed on TV. He was kind, considerate and spoke to you as an equal. On Friday the 13th (Fun Fact: Every single Friday the 13th was King Friday’s birthday) Fred would call our home in King

Seriously. This guy just wants waifus, which is fine but talk about tunnel vision.

yeah I liked him too. Especially because there’s a neat little exploit you can do to get a ridiculous amount of money with his second rank ability:

My friend called him “Anime Bernie Sanders” and I haven’t stopped thinking of him as that since.

Plus, he’s a really good path to gaining Personas that are higher level than you.

Chi Chi is perhaps a bit too quick to anger, but she’s still a good mom. Also, she’s the wife Goku needs. She’s the wife the WORLD needs Goku to have. He’s the strongest man in the world and she’s fierce enough to scare him. That’s important, because if someone wasn’t around to put the screws to Son “our fight might

Note: If you don’t see the video atop the post, refresh. There was a weird thing. So weird. So thing.

Early on in Prey, I accidentally killed a main character. The game let me keep playing until I lost my nerve and

BRB, going to GameStop to buy a used copy of one of those Burger King games for the Xbox 360.

I feel you. I’m afraid to list all the games I’m “in the middle of.”

If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?