Pull ups suck. Rather than help with toilet learning, they just helped little empid continue to crap in her pants. When she was ready, we went straight to underwear. I made sure to get some super cute ones of her choosing so she wouldn’t want to mess them up. That being said, I wish I wouldn’t have forced toilet…
I ended up really liking her! Glad she got a big O out of the deal.
Gaslighting at its finest.
My cynical self hopes that’s the case. Still, I don’t understand why we’re still having this argument in 2017; abortion is a decision best left to a woman and her healthcare provider, full stop.
They can’t see you if you have a tinfoil hat on, though.
There’s no way she’s a size 4.
Jesus Christ.
I work with wildland firefighters. We have that shit around here for days.
Yeah. The cute, healthy white babies.
In addition to the above article, a men’s locker room was described to me as just being full of “asses and elbows” and that it smelled like sweaty balls.
No thank you.
She’s so beautiful.
She’s a classic sociopath. They generally seem to sleep pretty well.
Sadly, you’re probably right.
For fuck’s sake. And what do they plan to do with all of the babies that haven’t been aborted with coat hangers?
...not a damn thing.
Drag these dudes...through the streets by their heels.
Those shoes are too big to fill, Amy. You are a lucky woman, and he’s a lucky man.