
This is a man who thinks that if you avoid drinking coffee, you will someday own your own planet in another galaxy. Long before this vaping comment, he should’ve been blocked from such high political offices.

Police take victims seriously. Police take diligent notes and follow-up on leads. Police test most rape kits.

I don’t think he intended to “coerce” her.  He intended to do it, regardless of what she thought.

I don’t understand your analysis at all.  Yes, the cash bail system is a weird system to rely on (and most countries have outlawed it).  Outside that system, this violent assault should be reason to keep him in jail while more motions are filed.  You limit it to “psychos” and “career” criminals when that is very far

It’s not even a question.

He’s so fragile that he’s impersonating his own assistant to pretend that people agree with him.  He’s so fucking weak.

Simple explanation: He doesn’t know where most states are.  Even after owning a home in Florida, he doesn’t know how the south is geographically organized.  Even after campaigning and counting electoral votes, he could not fill in even half of an unlabeled map of the 50 states. 

The interpretive rangers at some coastal national parks aren’t allowed to say that climate change and sea level rise are related. That just blows my mind. I used to be a ranger, and I was never told to lie about science. The only limits on my speech were the totally normal rules about personal information (people’s

Right, it doesn’t work.  Somehow Trump never pays the consequences for his many crimes.  Meanwhile, my ass loves getting punished.

No, it’s the same thing. The Democrats did not hold primaries for Obama and his challengers in several states. Same for Bill Clinton, same for George W. Bush. I’m not saying this is a good practice. I’m just saying it happened.  You’re uninformed.

Yikes.  So the weird thing now is... that’s the guy who touched a bunch of his coworkers.

A guy with one wife, one girlfriend, and all of his kids with the wife... how quaint.  The “values voters” will ignore him and choose the rapist.

None of this surprises me. There are also some gay men in the south suing several states because they’ve been arrested for being gay. See, the Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional in 2003, but the laws never got repealed. So local and state cops can still arrest people, book them, fingerprint them, take their

Assuming this is the complete list,

Closed primaries are normal now. Here’s some history on why the parties (yes, both parties, plural) do this.

“Big Lightbulb” is a real thing. As discoveries were made that helped bulbs last a long time, the world’s largest manufacturers agreed to make less efficient bulbs so that people would have to buy more of them more often. That already happened (100 years ago). You can’t convince me that it has never happened again. 

Shuttering primaries is very meh at this point.  The Democrats did the same thing to preserve Clinton and Obama.  It sounds weird, but it’s been going on for decades.

Why did you have to do that?  blech

That “Donald Pump” shirt is really something. The man is clinically obese. These boys are obsessing over their body image (which, frankly, seems a little gay), and yet they idolize the person who might be the ugliest head of state on the planet.

Let’s use that defense for everyone.