
I think the Pickle-Tip guy was a malfunctioning outer space robot from Mars. See, he heard, "Don't take any wooden nickles," and then glitched it into "don't take any wooden pickles," and then misinterpreted that to mean "The earth-humans demand gifts of pickles plaaced upon the wooden table. I have pleases Emperor

The way I see it is that people want to give their hearts away to those they love and trust to care for it, and should they accept the heart of another then of what value does that leave your heart? They've got yours and someone else's, so how much less is yours worth? Hearts are precious and to give yours to someone

Hi there!

I hear where you're coming from, but this kind of anecdata can be dangerous. There are for SURE dynamics like what you've described that lead to nothing good for anyone. I've also seen some heterosexual polyamorous relationships that are super loving and very functional. What I think it all comes down to, whatever

This. Not to mention the fact that anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists aren't necessarily all in sync with the "we evolved to be polyamorous" theory. There are a few different schools of thought that say a few different things.

"How can you have two boyfriends?"

Seriously, birds are scary.

That completely makes sense, suffocating is the perfect word that I couldn't find. I also don't really find it "hard" not to cheat, but it's more that I find monogamy.....really boring. I mean, I am open to that changing and maybe I just haven't met a good match for myself (admittedly most of my boyfriends have been

A prude in the streets, a freak in the tweets.

I am so happy that you got out of this relationship. Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you nothing but happiness in your future.

Not only did I spent four years making hemp bondage rope but I'm starting my own business doing the same and I can assure you that, in a pinch, Home Depot is as fine a place for bondage rope as any. I mean, I'd point you to the nylon rope over the sisal or hemp they have there unless you're looking for the pain

You don't really want "silky" rope for doing bondage of any kind. It is much more likely to slip and cause injury. When doing rope bondage, most seasoned users prefer natural fiber, such as jute and hemp for tying. These fibers have bite, and hold knots and wraps better than synthetic rope, and when washed and cared

Actually you can all kinds of things from the hardware store in your BDSM scene. Cable ties, rope, clothes pins, paint stirrers, box cutters, tape, those rods off of blinds, padlocks, paint brushes. Even tarps for when stuff gets messy. The problem is that lots of people don't know what they're doing and are more

good time to plug the devastatingly gorgeous (and super bdsm friendly) rope of erin houdini. people, treat yourself to the good stuff.

Store managers are requested to monitor stock levels of rope, cable ties, masking tape and duck tape to ensure that supplies do not run low.

I worked in doctors office. I collected the paper that held the diagnoses for you after you saw the doctor as well as your co-pay. When I told a guy his copay was 10 dollars, he gave me a "bill" and told me to keep the change and basically bolted out.