Wait, if I am still under warranty why wouldn't I just call someone? Every time I call I get ahold of somebody within a couple minutes who are very helpful.
Wait, if I am still under warranty why wouldn't I just call someone? Every time I call I get ahold of somebody within a couple minutes who are very helpful.
Looks like my hope of someday in the future seeing a stock Android OS phone on Verizon to replace my Droid is dead. I guess Sense is the next best thing. Better than Moto's crappy UI at least.
@BlackTaxi2d: Launcher Pro lets you hide apps from your app drawer at least. Still can't delete though of course.
@beetlemier: "Wait, you mean there is a model available without the anal attachment?"
@ecobore: I had the worst airline experience ever with Ryanair.
Ok, but I gotta admit, if it was half price, I would do it. I'm a cheap bastard and I hate myself. Who is with me?
RingCentral.com has $7.99/mo virtual fax service for up to 500 pages a month. Been using it for 4 years now with my 800 number service and have had great service.
@xrobevansx: +1
@thechansen: I thought of the same thing when I saw her name. So funny.
@hostile-17: This one bitch who drives cars but never wins who is a 6 at best, but wants us to believe she is a 10.
@mike_311: Exactly. They also want to show other carriers they won't bow to their demands anymore.
@phoneboy101: But it doesnt let you dial using the contacts from your phone though, right? I heard that would be the main draw of a native app.
VOTE: RingCentral.com, but then again I already have an 800 number account with them.
@gstatty: I held out for the past year because I didn't want to switch/was lazy, but now that I am moving and getting a new number anyways, I switched and I am digging it so far. Saves $10-20/mo on texting, and gives free visual voicemail, which is normally $3/mo on Verizon. Also, the ringing multiple numbers is way…
So the government should just print more money and then everyone can get paid $75k a year! — All problems solved.
No #freepornexperts ??
@donlphi: Google Voice should work for you for SMS. You can get a number and just use it for texting. I just tested my phone in airplane mode with wifi on and it works just fine sending texts.
@Tony Kaye: Yeah, I have a Mac and I am an flash-hating web developer, but there is still plenty of need for flash out there.
@EnemaBagJones: Yep, that is my strategy. Wait 3-5 months after something comes out and you can always get it way cheaper on half.com
@Tony Kaye: And that is one of the many reasons why I will never get an iPad. You can say all you want Flash isn't needed until you realize plenty of web apps are crippled.