Unicorn Man

@Carrick1973: You indeed were making up numbers, and I set the record straight. Is that not a fact? Glad to see you finally learned how to use Google before spouting off more made up numbers! LOL You are funny!

@zibzer: Agreed. He was just making up numbers. I set him straight.

@Carrick1973: Use Google and do some research. 50MPG is what Chevy is estimating, and they are projecting a minimum of a 10 year life-span, but it will most likely greatly exceed it. Battery pack only goes from 80-30% to use the 40 miles of battery power so there should be plenty of power left over for different

@Carrick1973: LOL Mr. exaggerator! The Jetta TDI gets 30/42 whereas the Volt gets around 50mpg when off the battery. Nowhere near the same MPG. The battery life has been projected for at least 10 years, and premium gas is only slightly more than diesel where I live.

@TheFu: Um I'm in Tampa. It is bad.

@Wilson: All the work I have had done so far had to be done in an Apple Store because the local stores didn't carry the parts needed.

@ludwigk: And be without my work laptop for 2 weeks? hahahaha

Um I think this may be the kind of story you mention to your other nerdy white friends and not publish online for all to see.

@Matt0505: LOL Usually i get guys who think they know everything and won't let me get a word in.

I HATE this new overnight policy. I live 90 minutes away from the nearest Apple store. It is such a pain in the ass to drive 3 hours two days in a row just to get my expensive as hell MacBook Pro fixed so I can work again!

@djscruffy: I think outside of the N1 for T-Mobile that is the best choice right now. You may get a better deal on ebay though: They are going for $200, and you may come out ahead, but I don't know how much your old phones are worth. May just be easier to trade them in. Just a suggestion...

@djscruffy: Nice, that sounds good then. I thought about signing up for the Tmobile $60/mo no contract plan recently with a Nexus One, but held off with my Droid.

@Justin L.A.: I moved from California to Florida this year and the humidity is so bad. You get used to it after a month or two though. Pretty much I don't go outside to do any kind of real activity until an hour or so before sunset for the hottest three months, or just plan on being soaked!

@lalov1: Toss them in a trash bag and put them in the trunk.

@ethanthekiwi: I was recently looking for a good Gmail Chrome notifier and only found two that were even any good. Both only did one account and were very limited.

@tacotime: Nah, Jobs doesn't like making customers happy until the third or fourth generation of a product.

@djscruffy: Well for starters, the MyTouch is a terrible outdated phone in terms of hardware. You should go with a 1GHz processor phone so, because anything below that is already going obsolete. Imagine in two years what it will be like! Nexus One for T-Mobile is much better than the MyTouch.

@pkl007: You can clearly see in this photo which students parents love them, and which don't.

And who the hell has their resolution set that high to actually see the full effects of it? Are there even monitors that support these kinds of resolutions?

@mattattaxx: Yeah thats because it is. His link is an affiliate link, and it links to one of those never ending sales pages. Looks like the program sucks anyways.