@Jeff: I did an extension one year and I just did a certified letter for it so there was confirmation it got there. Took me 10 minutes for the form, 10 minutes in line, and $5 out of my pocket.
@Jeff: I did an extension one year and I just did a certified letter for it so there was confirmation it got there. Took me 10 minutes for the form, 10 minutes in line, and $5 out of my pocket.
@tylerf: How did you f that one up? Somebody posted a full 10 minutes before you!
Sounds like San Diego where I live! Glad I found a nice house to rent for cheap with a great landlord!
@pianomansam: Dude seriously. How many people have a VGA phone? Tons of us use the non-touchscreen smartphones.
@vinylkemist: Give SkyFire a try! I was having great luck with it on my Moto Q9C just like topaz, but then I started having issues where it would not connect to any website anymore, so I went back to Opera Mobile. I tried it again today, and it worked fine. Maybe it was just a temporary thing around the new year?
I am actually going to use this so I dont click on a toolbar bookmark when I am actually trying to grab or close an open tab. That's really annoying when that happens. As for the intended purpose, that wont stop me at all.
@puntai: Yeah and they dont mention the minimum fee of between $600-800 per year required for anyone who sets up and LLC or corp in the state of California. Anyone who uses these services is just lazy. The three times I have started companies I have used the state or local city governments systems. Every state differs…
Seriously the only Prop I cared about was 1A! High speed rail here we come! Too bad not till 2020, but its better than nothing...