
Pretty terrible, but at least it looks they really put some effort into this one. So for that, good job.

More like "MUD designer Bitter that Blizzard destroyed his job"

I'm not really pro-Gamestop, but I do love how they take advantage of the almost completely unregulated use of internet advertising.

I didn't get to make a DK until 12 hours after launch. Wait a wait...

I liked the way Phantasy Star Online would allow you to play offline, then gave you the option of online play with extra incentives. Unfortunately, offline play became incredibly redundant rather quickly. A balance between offline/online play should be considered in certain MMO designs.

HAhaHahaHahaHAHahA! Back to minimum wage with you!

Wow, BOO!

@Tesahli: The original game played like an MMO. You guys probably won't feel too much out of place.

I think this trailer suffered a fatality... Sub Zero wasn't bad.

Fascinating story, thank you.

@Leanid: Dude, Mew for my Magikarp. DO IT!

Man, it's so impressive that Lego just seems to get better and better.

Maybe it's a shiny Dragonite?

I'm 27, own Pearl, and can't believe I'm actually thinking of going to get this.

Is that 11 Million current subscribers? Or 11 Million subscribers ever, not necessarily active? They never clarify that and I would suspect it's not current subscribers.

Thanks Science... how much grant money did you waste on this study?

SW:G really let me down and it wasn't until WoW did I enjoy another MMORPG from what I had been playing (EQOA, FFXI, CoH...). If this games does what WoW did for me the first time I played it, I'm sold. Otherwise, there's an empty spot I can store this next to SW:G.

Isn't Connick a little old to be talking like a teenage stoner?

Awesome, Puppet Master won