
Yeah , sorry to tsll her but her bf just threw up a red flag.

Anything touched by judd apatow needs to be amputated.

My thoughts exactly.

Dorne and the sansnapes were just uas dumb in the books. With nightstar and all the descriptions of nipples. Pure crap.

These studies are always pie in the sky. Expect to be laughed out of every office you bring this up in.

You say this because you or a loved one hasnt had a chronic or life and death need for med care. We have neither a mobile wealth society nor any care for our health, shelter, eduation or jobs. Now want to piss on those nice perks of living in a society thats progressive and even attempts to give a shit abouut its

This is all before taxes. Take 1/5 out of that and youre fucking dreaming. No savings, nothing but work and bad food for you, you cant even afford a bad habit.

Judt realized. Hes dressing her like his mother. Fucking gross.

She always looks fucking miserable. No relfrespect among sny of that family.

Hes totally usng her as his dolly and remaking everything on her. Including her body. And shes letting him, for more money and fame. She always looks so miserable. And idgaf, neither of them have a brain to share or any selfrespect.

“Ho” from a 90s video. Down on her luck.

Really? I bet the tigers have caught on by now.

Its a land moray eel with its own pillbox bunker. An army of those could have taken out the nazis.

How does your turtle get up on them?

He had his own problems.

Professionally trained people dont have that luxury. Look wt how coldbloodedly logical surgeons are. And defense attorneys.

It wohld be embarrassing to go out that way. And on video, even worse.

I want to see a kangaroo talk show that ends in fisticuffs. Justthe roo’s.

“never asserted that we can eradicate the world of shitty people who would keep wild animals in irresponsible, unsafe, and neglected conditions under the pretense of having a “sanctuary.”

I was making an ironic sexist joke.