
I would also gladly eat at Hot Dog on a Stick on a Stick in the afterlife. And the knish places because knishes are fucking awesome.

For the love of God, would someone please get Mindy some cocaine? She seems so sad without it.

The internet was a mistake.

I refuse to see any T.R. biopic that does not star Nick Offerman.

Scoop if true

Gotta love that half-assed, tech bro libertarianism.

Some people call me the Space Cowboy...

I can’t wait for the expose or memoir or whatever 20 years down the line from now about which of the major male action stars of today are on shitloads of steroids, because I think almost all of ‘em are. Especially Ryan Gosling.

The students in that class must be the most insufferable dickheads. “Bro, have you even *heard* of EZLN?”

“Ya look like a Puerto Rican whore!”

The bloody cops are bloody keen
To bloody keep it bloody clean
The bloody chief’s a bloody swine
Who bloody draws a bloody line
At bloody fun and bloody games
The bloody kids he bloody blames
Are nowehere to be bloody found
Anywhere in chicken town

This sounds like it’s right in my wheelhouse. I love Frances McDormand.

Is it wrong? No.


Ah. It’s good fun, especially reading the old Tolerability Index stuff.

Oh, LaBeef. Why Hollywood tried so desperately to make you the next big leading man, I shall never know.

Oh, I’ve no problem with cans at all, in fact there are a lot beers I’ve tried lately where I thought the canned version was vastly superior to bottled (Fat Tire out of a bottle is a malty, syrupy mess IMO but the canned version was great). It’s more that when I think of Berliner Weisse I think of the first time I

Berliner Weisse in a can, huh? Interesting.


He’s got a better military mind than Jon, that’s for damn sure.