
Scoop (of mashed potatoes) if true.

To be fair Benjen already told Bran he can't pass through the Wall right now anyways, due to the spells carved into its foundations which bar the dead from passing. Wasn't much time to explain that to Jon, though.

As a spectacle this was a great episode, but I am getting serious whiplash from the Arya-Sansa-Littlefinger storyline. It feels rushed and lacking in depth…two episodes ago Arya's crying to her direwolf and gazing contentedly at the Stark banners on the walls of the castle. Now she's basically reenacting the Hannibal


I'll raise your singer/songwriter a "dealer with several vicious pit bulls and a .357 he likes to wave around while talking about how all the putos who fuck with him are gonna die." On the other hand, a pound for $200. It's good to grow up in New Mexico.

How on earth is TMZ releasing these phone calls going to do that? Seriously, please explain how you made that leap.

Throw the bums out and vote new, worse bums in! It's the American way!

Well that's good news!

There's really no reason to post this, is there? Yeah, the guy made awful music and had a gargantuan Jesus complex but this is psychological torment voyeurism, for lack of a better term.

Joan Jett deserves all the plaudits in the world, so I'm happy for her.

For real.

Ah yes, the fashion industry. Moral arbiters of America! Can't have any ex-prostitutes winning a fashion competition, no siree. I hope she takes them to the goddamn cleaners.

I remember thinking once that an air conditioner couldn't be scary. Then I saw The Brave Little Toaster.

Teti Teti Teti-four hours to goooo

*Rush Limbaugh tweets his Oxy dealer's home address*

I had never heard of this before last week and now I can't get away from it.


Tha makes me long for the ownage of yore on this site.

His back has the sheen of a newly treated leather car seat.

Damn you for making me snort-laugh in the middle of my office!