Yeah, Drama tends to acknowledge quality. I've given up on Parks and Rec ever winning an Emmy. It's just not going to happen.
Yeah, Drama tends to acknowledge quality. I've given up on Parks and Rec ever winning an Emmy. It's just not going to happen.
GoT will get a Best Drama award eventually, don't you think?
He's skinny and British. Mick Jagger's a weird-looking fuck who parlayed those same qualities into sex symbol status, to use one example.
I'm just stoked that the summer's top movie is neither a sequel nor a reboot.
I won't say suicide is a selfish act because, and I speak from experience, the person attempting it may view their own death as an act of altruism for those around them. You see it in notes all the time: "sorry I let you down, sorry I have been a burden, sorry I can't stop wanting to die," and so on. We can debate the…
The guitar in this song is sweet as fuck.
I dunno. I have been in treatment for depression for a really long time and had several incidents where I came too close to suicide for comfort and…this doesn't really bother me. Maybe I'm just numbed out. But it's like…okay, you don't get it. That's fine, I can't really describe it from the inside so why should you…
Exactly, ElDan. Exactly.
I'm so hungry, I could eat at Arby's!
Y'all are breaking one of the AV's great unwritten rules: don't discuss TV with HDB. It'll only end in tears.
The snake singing "Trust in Me" scared me shitless when I was a tyke.
It is indeed a terrible title.
*Spike Lee tweets Justin Timberlake's home address*
It doesn't matter what role Dwayne Kojnson plays because of his charm and natural screen presence, jabroni!
Go google image the picture of her with Bruno Mars, she fucking towers over that ill' guy.
I'll be interested to see if this video gets the Lily Allen treatment or if everyone's simply gotten outrage fatigue at this point when it comes to white female singers and twerking. I know I have.
Nice Bowie paint!
True story from when I saw The Cowboy Way when I was a kid growing up in New Mexico— there's this scene when someone asks woody harrelson if he's from Texas and he replies, "there ain't no cowboys in Texas! I'm from New Mexico!" Every single person in the theater, including me, cheered for like a full minute. That is…
94 was a good year for me, read a lot of Calvin and Hobbes that year.