Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

The only Mercedes 300 SEL 6.3 Wagon. A conversion from the sedan by an engineer but still awesome. Needs to be black though. [daddytypes.com]

@dannkherb: I second, Root and Rom dude.

@jd: First, the strong Yen isn't the cause of Japan's low growth rate. In the same period Japanese investment abroad skyrocketed because the Yen went further. Investing abroad had better returns than investing in Japan because of the extremely low interest rates Japan. Thus the government in an attempt to stimulate

@Age of Aerostar: It returns to the member and regional banks in Federal Reserve system which then get lent out again through fractional reserve lending increasing the money supply and decreasing the value of the dollar relative to goods and services. Inflation is the decreasing of the value of a currency because

@SerialThriller: For the long run value of the US dollar in competitive markets? No.

@Age of Aerostar: They were paid by digitally printed money which decreases the value of your money in your pocket and bank account.

@V864: Tell me where did they get the money, and prove that these's loans were a net benefit to the American people.

@jd: Please don't confuse deflation as the cause of Japan's lost decades. You've makes the same mistake as the fed by equating aggregate price levels with causes. Prices are signals not ends. Trying to fight signals is like treating the symptoms and not the causes. Unfortunately knowing the causes is also difficult

@dmac1390: Actually that money came from printing which is also the Federal Reserve's function. Technically they digitally changed some zeros but it's the inflation tax none the less. But hey we don't have to worry about deflation. Falling prices are bad.

@V864: Unfortunately that's not how it works. Where do you think they got the money to hand out?

I love Google but I just got a Roku XD for $64.0. Sure it's different but for the money it's a lot of value. Google TV always seemed to lack value to me (as does Apple TV)

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You forgot Damnation Alley, which spent most of it's budget on a truck.

@jesperc20: Well should someone value the Polar bear's existence, than they can put their own values into action with their own money and buy all the Polar Bears. It worked for the Buffalo and in turn other people began to value it for it's deliciousness. Private property has been shown to be the best incentive for

@chakasrazor: I'm just a caveman, your grammatical rules confuse me.

Most species aren't success stories, and the Polar Bear is no different. We all role the dice, and it lost. Moving on....

I'm going to paraphrase economist Steven Landsberg but I think he will be fine with it. "Camping out early is the theory that everything is worth saving money on except your time."

I'm not entirely sure what exactly I just watched.

Jeremy Clarkson is my favorite libertarian.