Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

It's not the cgi but how you use it. Benjamin Button was loaded with cgi but who could tell?

Funny, I thought about putting ubuntu on this from the first time I saw it. I'll wait till it comes with Lucid though.

@stephdumas: Not from what I've seen. The construction appears to exist only to make my commute as long as possible. Fairfax to McLean should not take 45 minutes on a good day.

Hell yeah DC wins! We've got more on the list than any other area! I'm proud that my slow ass commute is finally going for something! Never mind that it takes me 45 minutes to get to my office 10 miles away it's good to see my time is worth something! Yay!


Ha HA, my thinkpad just died after five years. I will be considering this,

I use a 22'' and a vertical 15 inch monitor. I pretty much only run Chrome on them because of how seamlessly I can throw tabs around. If a page looks better vertically orinated then I just flick the tab to the left while I watch hulu on the right. It's really been fantastic.

HOLY CRAP I've been planing on buying a Driod tomorrow for a month now! Now who gets a Eris for a Christmas present, my mom who hates her Pearl or my dad who is a decade behind the technology curve.

I loved the first and while I'll miss the zaniness I love this new style and where it appears to be going. Once Upon a Time in the West here I come.

You still have to scroll down to the bottom to get the suggested related searches. To me that has always screamed to be in a sidebar.

Frying a turkey is in fact the only true way to cook a turkey. This is an objective fact and cannot be disputed. All other forms of preparation are in fact spoiling the turkey, which should be a crime.

Installed and running now. My first impressions are positive. I haven't been a fan of docks due to some bad experiences but this feels right already.

@Zelyre: Imagine a generation of future game developers lost because the current generation was too busy modding to have kids.

I would love to hug that man. The P38 has always been tied as my favorite plane with the P40 but a P38 was the first model I ever made by myself; I built it while home sick with the Chicken pocks in second grade.

I'd mock the modder for doing this instead of having dates but this is too awesome.

It's just a sandwich. Burgers have ground meat. No meat? Then it's not a burger.

@cocampbe: Agreed but I'll wait patently.

Allow me correct you "Rather than point out that this money protects less than 1% of american jobs and keeps American industry on life support while our comparative advantage is actually services, therefore keeping factories around instead of investing in the Post-Modern economy...."