I thought the same thing. And it looks like when Jimmy fully breaks bad, Kim's not gonna be down with it at all. Should be interesting to see what happens that makes her split
I thought the same thing. And it looks like when Jimmy fully breaks bad, Kim's not gonna be down with it at all. Should be interesting to see what happens that makes her split
It's become clear this show is more interested in being a character study of Jimmy and Mike than it is advancing lots of plot. And I'm totally good with that
I can't get over how good Browning was in this episode and how well written the character was. I've dated a few Lauras, way too much of the first half of the episode hit close to home haha. Oh and that Shirley Manson song kicked ass
What a performance by Browning. I think most people know a Laura or two (pre-death of course), very well written relatable character
Chekhov's pill!
That was such a Vince Gilligan-y court scene, and I mean that as the highest compliment
That was like a self-contained Coen brothers movie. Probably one of my favorite episodes of television, awesome
Right, I mean they even bleeped it. It doesn't even fell into the indecency category, much less obscenity.
Nothing will happen. Everyone should chill on this. The FCC always says they'll investigate if enough people bitch. They're not going to fine Colbert because they can't fine a late night show. Never have, never will. Safe Harbor hours.
People are freaking out I think because it's a network TV show and even the late night shows have traditionally always been pretty family friendly. Cable you can get away with whatever, but the morality police (and advertisers) still really care about content on network for some reason
I can guarantee literally nothing will happen. It's a total non-story
Fake newz. The FCC can't fine a late night show for indecency. Never has, never will. Pretty amazing how everyone just forgot Safe Harbor
It's fucking insane, because over 8 years later we are STILL trying to clean up the shit show he left behind. He's the worst of the worst. Trump could nuke Canada tomorrow and Bush would still be a war criminal piece of shit worthy of zero praise
You sound as angry and as sick of pretty much everything as I am, and I like it
This show shouldn't exist. We're giving this baffoon way too much power. Not to mention it's an obvious cash grab capitalizing on the Trump ratings bump effect
Has Sam Bee gotten any better post-election? I stopped watching after she went full Hillary shill and shit on Bernie supporters
Francesca was killing him with that booty!
Agree that plenty of males actors get away with it, I was just curious if you think she legit has the range to play a character that isn't based on herself. Like for example Jonah Hill seemed like a guy who was just gonna spend his career playing Jonah Hill, and then he took roles like Money Ball and Wolf of Wall…
I started off genuinely liking it because it didn't seem to feel as self-important as the later seasons, and it was funnier. Towards the end I kept hate watching because I'd already committed for a few seasons, but there was still enough here and there that I enjoyed. Even this finale, which overall I hated, had a…
Do you think she'd be as great playing anything other than a modified version of herself though?