
Nintendo: No one could come up with a worse name for a console than Wii U.

There are only 2 good uses of Tom Cruise in movies nowadays:

There’s a lot of D1 apologists saying “it’s more D1, what else did you expect?” It’s a sequel. It should exceed our expectations. What I’m seeing is an expensive DLC. Give me some greatly improved graphics or art direction. Give me a fine-tuned UI. Give me some new and imaginitive stuff. Let us actually pilot our

Easy way to fix this without nerfing the character so hard you find him in the back shelf of Toys R Us:
The guns he uses should have limited ammunition and need to be manually reloaded with a visible indicator.
This gives the player using Deadshot the opportunity to use all the ranging attacks, and the opposing player

It is 2017, we must stop litigating marijuana. The rank hypocrisy of a culture in which we are inundated with positive and affirming messages about alcohol and demonize every thing else is pure folly. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same gender. Don’t like marijuana? Don’t consume it. Problem

as far as I’m concerned Shaq has a free pass based on this gif alone

The timer is why I do not care for these games (or any game with a timer for that matter). I prefer to take my time and explore games fully at my leisure and not feel rushed

World, please slow down. I haven’t even played that much of the first one or Witcher 3.

Please don’t tell my one year old that this exists

as someone who appreciates mobas at an arms length and enjoys multiplayer shooters, i still have zero desire to check out battleborn. I just want whatever the next borderlands game is and i’m annoyed that this game took precedence over that.

Your bath mat is the first thing your body touches after leaving the shower, so it’s worth treating your feet to one

Welp, time to buy Sims 4.

Yesterday i was thinking on installing the sims again for fun.

There are many of these lists floating around in deep space. Some of my favorites:

Conspiracy Theory:

Sisko > All.

They both got nothing on Sisko.