
Gnomes are only good for punting :p

There's a lot of things he wouldnt approve, I'll bet he wouldnt approve the internet >.<

I actually like the Avril/Chad song, though I have to agree with the rest of the list

frak me....that gave me the shivers.......

gods that clip always creeps me out....

I dont play on pvp servers. Just would like this try this game preferably on a pve server otherwise I would skip it. The only pvp game I tried I think was shadowbane and eve (didnt ladt long for obvious reasons). Considering this game's interesting premise I do hope they have nonpvp servers.

I dont play on pvp servers. Just would like this try this game preferably on a pve server otherwise I would skip it. The only pvp game I tried I think was shadowbane and eve (didnt ladt long for obvious reasons). Considering this game's interesting premise I do hope they have nonpvp servers.

I play both. But for mmos in most cases I have to since there is no single player version. If there was a current single player version of wow or eq for example, I would buy and play those. I wont play ESO since they are making current srpg versions.

Ok...my interest is now piqued >.<

Ah, darn :(

Not dumbing down, more like leashing down the more caustic players of any mmo...PVPers.

But will they have a decent space segment in the game >.<.

The argument is that instancing makes the world feel smaller. Frankly im with you, i would hate to compete with other players for limited resources. But if everyone is in instances the world itself becomes a hell of a lot more empty.

I would hope so, but what scares me is that if there was pvp in the game, griefers would find a way to force that on everyone.

My money is just as good as anyone else's. And every company is out there to make as much profit as they can.

I hope there is a way to completely avoid PVP, then ill be interested :)

The timmverse Brainiac will always be the best.

Somehow I feel their punishment isnt enough.

i wonder if they will release it on android at some point

Ill wait at least a year or when a wave of good rpgs comes out