
agreed, i still want to use the Saber assault rifle in single player mode...

Well looks like Diablo 3 was just a start...

I want a new adventure with Tali as the star.......>.<

Itll depend on how the general public reacts to not being able to buy and play used games. I get the feeling this is a PR nightmare in the making. I understand the gaming industry's feelings with regards to used games so I'm torn on what to think about this.

They need to bring back Phantasy Star, and I dont mean that bastard stepchild of a diablo clone they have been releasing the last few years. A classic turn based rpg with a great story (very hard to beat ps1 and ps2 imho)

I doubt we will see this game in the US outside of import stores. Harmony Gold still has the rights to the macross series here in the US and they wont allow any games to be released from Japan without translating it into their Robotech storyline. Whoever is running Harmony Gold needs to be fired and the rights should