On the plus side, he's a mustache and "letting himself go" away from a role as Mario in the next Super Bros movie.
On the plus side, he's a mustache and "letting himself go" away from a role as Mario in the next Super Bros movie.
To not have to wait in line amongst the reseller vultures on launch day (or before)...
...and I picked the Celtics - Ugh!
Go big or go home Players!
Yeah I need the extra space for big meaty hands, and bit on the Monster Hunter version because it's so silvery!
I can't tell of this makes me happy or sad that I haven't played my copy of Destiny yet...and do I bother if I'm already so far behind the times?
Or need to buy millions of them, which no one does...I wonder how many of the pissed off camp are pissed because they can't trade in their A/C adapter when they do the old DS?
I was pissed I didn't order yesterday and more so this AM seeing the "sold out" articles here and elsewhere.
Drink Vodka kids!
Oh - thanks for reminding me why these types of games are not for me anymore.
This is ok...him added to the iOS version would cause Wallet overload (or resentment that I didn't IAP Overload).
If it wasnt Nintendo, I'd lol...
I was worried as well and not really much of a hardware builder type (mostly due to time). Mechanically it's very easy. I had an issue with the Flash Drive and firmware switchover process on my first attempt.
Blame Canada!?
Swirls was the bomb!
Sega killed the Sega Saturn, by releasing it early and without telling anyone.
I bought Dreamcast at launch - Sega was very much ahead of the times with many aspects of the Dreamcast (Online Play, Controller based Display) and I don't think it's failure was due to the system being flawed (aside from maybe the disc medium), but rather due to timing in market and for Sega as a company.
This guy is trying his ass off out there...Shart Happens!
Team Bumblebee!